Ghana Together works with our Ghanaian friends of Western Heritage Home, a Ghanaian-registered and managed non-profit, to improve social, educational, and health conditions in Axim, Ghana. Together we accomplish projects, connect WHH to resourceful individuals and organizations, and create sustainable programs. We make a real difference to real people in a local, grassroots effort. Our website at tells our story.

Oct 29, 2008

WHH Scholars Try Out New Computer Lab

Thanks to the generosity of 1-800-Got-Junk? Inc, plus logistical and technical coordination by Project Reddot, Axxiom HealthCare Alliance, and Ghana Together, the WHH Children's Home/Community Learning Center now has a new computer lab outfitted with 8 refurbished laptop computers. They join the two desktop computers brought earlier by a Ghana Together team member.

The first class, taught by Barbara Davis, started Monday, Oct 27 with the older children living in the Children's Home comprising this initial "test class." Soon the lab will be open to youth and adults in the wider Axim community who desire to learn "vocational computing."

This is the second community development program launched by WHH in partnership with Ghana Together---the first being opening a Children's Home for up to 35 homeless and mostly orphaned children and ensuring their education.

Oct 13, 2008

What a Difference Two Years Can Make!

We show here two photos of the WHH Scholars living in the Children's Home in Axim, Ghana. Two had to be "pasted" in, because they weren't present for the photo. The first shows the children in summer 2006. The second shows most of the same children in April 2008. Although the photos are not strictly comparable, the effects of nearly two years of plenty of nutritious food, regular school attendance, and the psychological security of having a stable home are dramatically evident!

Same Children April 2008