Yes, the work goes on, in spite of COVID-19!
So…good to have the new roof in place so work on the side walls and the interior of the building can commence in the New Year.
documented the start of the project back on Jan. 17 with this News Update:
Together News Updates: Libation Is Poured! New Library Is Launched!
Hopes were high! The "elders" formed a group to show their support. The Ghana Library Authority's Regional Director gave the OK to the project. The Methodist Church donated the land. Western Heritage Home was elated to start their number one project for 2020.
And then…yes we all know what 2020 has been, for us in the United States, for Ghanaians, and for the world! But work had commenced and as the pandemic reached Ghana, they kept going. Work slowed but didn’t stop. They had to use fewer workers who had to distance, and take extra care, but they kept going.
They were
determined to get at least the roofing complete before the rain comes, if not
the walls. Not finishing would have delayed the project by some months! And
they did it!!! Time to take a bit of Christmas/New Year break and they’ll be at
it and finish the project---maybe in time for Kundum Festival in September 2021!
Just in time for Chief Awulae himself to pour his blessing!!
And, in other news, we are so happy to report that our three nursing graduates---Philo, Charlotte, and Dorothy---all now have jobs as nursing assistants, as of this November. Not an easy time to start their careers, but they are very happy to be employed and are well-trained. We are so proud of these three young women who became Western Heritage Scholars because they were designated by Ghana’s government as OVC’s---orphaned or vulnerable children---14 years ago and now are adults starting their careers!
Not much
news on our Western Heritage Home students. Most are not in class, and most
schools are closed. Our university level students did do online classes first
term---not sure what the plans are going to be for 2021---they typically take a
break this time of year. We will continue our support as needed going forward.
And how
can we thank all our “investors”---especially Americans who have donated funds
for so many projects and now for this new library? It will finally be a home
for the almost 16,000 books you gave us, computers, a hub for the mobile
tricycle to get those books to those kids in schools all over Nzema, a meeting
space for all those Axim folks who support their community as best they can…and
a place to hang the beautiful artistic West African quilts made by our own
absolutely amazing Jerome Chandler to honor their rich tradition of beautiful
Not an easy Holiday Season, here or there. But our hearts are thankful and the work goes on. We are together in this work and also reminded how this is one world and we’re all here together.
Take care of yourselves and each other, all of